What does it cover?
Who can be covered?
How much will ACC treatment cost?
How to make a claim?
First visit
About ACC Treatment
Please bring the ACC referral form with you when visiting us.
The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) scheme provides a comprehensive, 24 hour, no-fault personal injury cover and entitlements for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors who suffer personal injury in New Zealand.
Gleamy Acupuncture Centre is a registered ACC treatment provider and we will be happy to work with you towards a speedy recovery. If you would like to make an appointment or require more information, please contact us.
What does it cover? |
ACC generally covers the treatment of personal injury - that is, a physical or mental injury caused by a physical injury, or a mental injury caused by sexual assault or abuse.
All New Zealanders and visitors to New Zealand who get injured can be covered, whether or not:
** you¡¯re working, retired, a child, a student or on a benefit
** you or someone else caused the accident that led to your injury
** the injury happened at work, during sport or recreation, at home or on the road.
How much will ACC treatment cost? |
ACC will cover the bulk of the treatment cost and you will only need to pay a surcharge per visit at Gleamy Acupuncture Centre. If you want to know more about ACC and its services, you can either visit them at www.acc.co.nz or free phone 0800 101 996.
How to make a claim |
Making a claim for ACC cover is simple. Go to see your family doctor, they will assess your injury and fill out a claim form at the time of consultation, the claim is then lodged with ACC. You will be given a referral for treatment which you then take to a registered ACC provider.
Please bear in mind, if you have been injured, the first step is to get treatment as soon as possible, rather than just waiting until it feels better as this can often cause your injury worse and make recovery longer.