1. |
Does Acupuncture have any side effects?
Acupuncture is relatively safe and rarely with side effects if you are treated by a well trained practitioner. But sometimes, if you are very run down after treatment, you may feel the need to sleep, this is because your body now needs time to recover and allow the healing process to begin.
2. |
I am afraid of needles, can I still be treated?
Yes, if a person cannot accept or is afraid of needles, we will use acupressure to help relieve your conditions, this situation is common and acupressure is just as effective as acupuncture needles.
3. |
How long is each treatment?
Usually, each treatment is between 40 - 60 minutes, however, the first consultation may require a longer time as more information will need to be collected to help clinician to make a diagnosis.
4. |
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments varies between patients. Certainly, one course of treatment with at least one treatment per week is required. The amount and frequency of treatments will be different depending on the type and severity of your conditions.
5. |
How long will I feel the changes?
This varies between patients. One off miracle cures is unusual! Some changes either in yourself generally, or in your condition directly should be noticed after 3 - 6 treatments. For some people with ongoing health problems, they may need to visit regularly for maintenance or preventive treatments.
6. |
Which part of the body will you insert the needles?
There are more than 360 acupoints all over the body. The selection of inserted acupoints will depend on the condition being treated, and the most commonly used points are on the back, abdomen, arms and legs.
7. |
How many needles will you apply to me?
Depending on the conditions you are looking for assistance, the number of needles varies from 1 to 20. However, as a skilful acupuncturist, we will always try to use as the least number of needles as possible to get desired results.
8. |
Can I have acupuncture treatment while I am taking other medications? |
Yes. Acupuncture treatment is safe to undertake while you ae having other treatments or taking medication. But please inform your pratitioner of any medications you may be taking prior to treatment. |
9. |
Should I stop taking my prescribed medication while undergoing a course of acupuncture treatment? |
DO NOT stop taking any medication without professional guidance. Please talk to your doctor or the practitioner who prescribed the medication for you to discuss your situation. |
10. |
Do I need to tell my doctor about having Acupuncture? |
If you are receiving treatment from your doctor then it is worth to tell him or her about your plans to have acupuncture. The acupuncture treatment may enable you to reduce or even stop taking some forms of medication, but your doctor should be consulted regarding any change of prescription. You should always tell your acupuncturist about any medication you are taking as this may affect your response to the acupuncture treatment. |
11. |
What about the Acupuncture needles used? |
We only use single use pre-sterilised disposable needles in our clinic, and they are disposed of in a specially designated "sharps" container. All sterilisations and treatment processes comply with the standards set by NZASA and the Ministry of Health in New Zealand. |
12. |
Do you accept ACC treatment? |
Yes. Gleamy Acupuncture Centre is a registered ACC treatment provider, and we welcome all ACC referrals and will be happy to work with you towards a speedy recovery. |
13. |
How much will ACC treatment cost? |
As ACC will cover the bulk cost of your acupuncture treatment, so you only need to pay the surcharge per visit at Gleamy Acupuncture Centre.
If you want to know more about ACC and its services, visit www.acc.co.nz or free phone 0800 101 996.
14. |
How long should I notify you if I would like to cancel a scheduled appointment? |
We understand that sometimes you need to change your schedule. And we kindly ask you to give us 24 hours notice for your cancellation. We recommend you schedule your appointment by phone call and your next appointment prior to leaving to guarantee your next service.
15. |
Are the acupuncturists qualified to practice? |
All practicing acupuncturists at Gleamy Acupuncture Centre are members of professional bodies, either the New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority (NZASA) or Acupuncture New Zealand (AcuNZ). They maintain the highest standards of practice and continuous professional development. |
16. |
Can I buy some acupuncture equipments for self-treatment? |
We do not recommend you to purchase either needles or other gadgets for self-treatment. The diagnosis and every appropriate treatment made to each individual is based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, it can only be achieved by a fully trained practitioner. Gadgets sold with manuals indicating 'certain points for certain symptoms' do not use traditional acupuncture theory and may cause the patient to overlook other relevant symptoms.
17. |
Do I have to believe in acupuncture for it to work? |
No. Acupuncture is effective with or without belief, even on animals.
18. |
Do I need other supplements? |
There may be a need to take Chinese herbal medicine in accordance with your condition. You can get the advice from the clinic when visit. |
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19. |
Is there anything your practitioner needs to know? |
Apart from the usual medical details, it is important that you inform your acupuncturist if:
you have ever experienced a fit, faint or funny turn;
you have a pacemaker or any other electrical implants;
you have a bleeding disorder;
you are taking anti-coagulants or any other medication;
you have damaged heart valves or have any other particular risk of infection (ie if you have to have antibiotics to go to the dentist);
you are pregnant.